Water Quality Action Plans are actions which identify water quality problems and protect water
resources in the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine System (BTES). EM in the Action Plans below stands for
Ecological Management.

Water Quality Action Plans

EM-8 Pollutant Identification and Assessment


  • To facilitate access to accurate and timely water quality data for the BTES by the public,
    researchers, and governmental agencies
  • To facilitate access to Geographic Information System (GIS) data and mapping for hydrology,
    land use, permitted facilities discharging to BTES water bodies, and other related topological
    parameters that will promote better identification of current or potential water quality impacts

EM-9 Oil and Produced Water Spill Prevention and Early Detection


  • To reduce the number, volume, and impact of petroleum and related fluid spills in the BTES
  • To place an emphasis on the prevention and early detection of petroleum and oilfield produced
    water spills in the BTES

EM-10 Improvement of Water Quality through Reduction of Sewage Pollution


  • To reduce fecal coliform counts, pathogens, nutrients, and organic matter in the BTES
    waterbodies attributable to discharges of human waste from inadequate or poorly-maintained
    sewage treatment plants, rural homesites, unsewered communities, commercial and
    recreational vessels, and waterfront camps

EM-11 Reduction of Agricultural Pollution


  • To maintain water quality standards that adequately protect estuarine resources from
    agricultural nonpoint source pollutants

EM-12 Improvement of Water Quality through Stormwater Management


  • To reduce the negative impacts on water quality that current stormwater disposal practices may
  • To reduce loadings of nutrients, fecal coliform bacteria and pathogens, and other pollutants in
  • To enhance wetland vegetation with inputs of nutrients, sediments, and freshwater from
    stormwater runoff

EM-14 Assessment of Harmful Algal Blooms


  • To minimize the human health impacts of HABs in the BTES
  • To reduce the frequency and intensity of HABs within the BTES by supporting BMPs of
    watershed nutrient management
  • To build partnerships between research scientists and agency resource managers to help
    prepare for and respond to some HABs whose sources can and cannot be managed from within
    BTES to help reduce threats to marine organisms, human health, and economic well-being
  • To increase public awareness of HABs’ threats to human health and the economic well-being of
    shellfish and fish industries in the context of increasing or changing nutrient pollution, climate
    change, coastal land loss, and restoration actions

EM-17 Improvement of Water Quality through the Reduction of Inshore and Marine Debris


  • To improve water quality by significantly reducing the amount of trash entering the BTB’s water
    bodies and the ocean through education and awareness activities targeted at students (K-12),
    parish governments, business communities, and individual citizens.

EM-18 Protection of Drinking Water Sources


  • To have a clear delineation of all drinking water sources
  • To identify possible problems and potential sources of contamination including but not limited
    to toxics, sewage, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, and other emerging contaminates
  • To use BMPs to diminish or eliminate problems
  • To engage citizens in active protection of their drinking water
  • To educate about appropriate actions to protect drinking water in the event of an emergency
  • To support improvement in appropriate training and pay to develop an experienced workforce
    related to drinking water
  • To participate in the education of public officials about the long term commitment that is
    needed to properly train certified water operators and related jobs
  • To support appropriate improvements to the water resources infrastructure
  • To support emerging technologies related to protecting drinking water sources
  • To support and recommend sweeps of the water systems